Forrester research




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1·Charles Golvin, a wireless analyst at Forrester Research, is a skeptic.
2·Forrester Research recommends a four-stage it governance maturity model.
Forrester Research推荐有四个阶段的IT治理成熟模型。
3·Forrester Research issued a report today that calls 2010 the year of the smart phone.
4·Forrester Research predicts that marketers in the US will have tripled their email marketing budgets.
Forrester Research预测美国营销人员会将email营销的预算扩大2倍。
5·"We're talking about the emergence of chat commerce, " said Lily Varón, an analyst at Forrester Research.
6·"Competitors will catch up," says Sheri McLeish, an analyst at technology consultancy Forrester Research (FORR).
7·According to Forrester Research, the iPad will be particularly well suited to the high-end mobile office worker.
据Forrester Research分析,ipad将会特别适合于高端的移动办公人员。
8·"It's hard to imagine that other vendors can't catch up," says James Staten of Forrester Research, a consultancy.
“很难想象再没有其它公司赶上来”,Forrester Research咨询公司的詹姆斯•斯戴坦说到。
9·“It’s hard to imagine that other vendors can’t catch up, ” says James Staten of Forrester Research, a consultancy.
咨询公司Forrester Research的James Staten说,“很难想象其他厂商不能紧跟上来。”
10·According to Forrester Research Inc., the total amount of data warehoused by enterprises is doubling every three years.
根据Forrester Research Inc .公司的研究,企业的储存的数据的总量每3年就翻一翻。
更新时间:2025-03-10 15:43